Many of you know about the “Clicker” systems that a couple of our schools have that allow teachers to ask questions of their classes and have the students type in their response using the clicker. These are great tools for formative assessments, exit tickets and quick checks. Unfortunately, clicker systems are expensive and not very practical since they only do one thing. This is where great tools like GoSoapBox, Geddit, Infuse Learning and Socrative step in. These programs work like clickers to collect student responses, but students can use computers, chromebooks, smartphones or tablets to submit their answers. Another bonus is that they are really easy to use! Over the next week, let’s take a look at each one of these programs, starting with:
Question Types: Multiple choice, True/False, Short Answer, Exit Tickets
Works on: Any internet connected device, iPad/iPhone App, Android App
Really cool features: 1. Quiz answers are compiled into an excel spreadsheet for automatic grading and easy analysis. 2. Space Race game allows teams of students to answer questions in this fast-paced rocket race game. The team(s) that get their rocket the furthest across the screen wins!
Check out this video to see socrative in action:
Question Types: Multiple choice, True/False, Short Answer, Exit Tickets
Works on: Any internet connected device, iPad/iPhone App, Android App
Really cool features: 1. Quiz answers are compiled into an excel spreadsheet for automatic grading and easy analysis. 2. Space Race game allows teams of students to answer questions in this fast-paced rocket race game. The team(s) that get their rocket the furthest across the screen wins!
Check out this video to see socrative in action: