UPDATED Post: Visit this newer post as it may more clearly explain this process.
The deadlines set by each of your offices for grade entry cutoff are either quickly approaching or have past. At that time, your grades for MP1 will be locked from changes.
If you have incompletes or other grades to enter after the cutoff, you will need to request a grade change from the office.
In order for your building office to receive an updated grade, please make sure you have completed the following...
- Update necessary assignment/assessment scores
- Remove Incompletes or other overwritten grade term scores (i.e. Q1, Q2, etc.)
Offices will not receive any information or updates if the marking period final grade has not changed. Therefore, verify that the updates you have made do, in fact, affect the grade as you expect. You may see a new column appear for the adjusted quarter such as "Q1 - Report Card". This column shows the score that was posted on the original report card. Make sure you complete your grade change per the above document.